You could say you’re able to get far more work done in a distraction-free environment, and when you don’t need to spend an hour commuting each way. Regardless of your schedule, be sure to establish set work hours to follow each day. 34 Reasons Why Working from Home Makes Good Sense By Rebecca Matter. Keep the lines of communication flowing with regular emails, video chats, and phone calls. And while we don’t have to squeeze into public transport like sardines anymore, some of us would say our homes aren’t exactly the most conducive places to work in. The flexibility to work from home has value — according to a recent study by Princeton University, it's worth about an 8 percent pay cut to the typical worker. Point to value-added reasons to telecommute. In a study conducted by Brigham Young University, researchers identified the point at which 25 percent of employees reported work interference with personal and family life. “Working from home is more and more of a hot topic because of how tight the marketplace is,” says Dawn Fay, senior district president for Robert Half, a recruitment and staffing company. They fall into these eight broad categories: Flexibility and control at the same time. Establishing a regular schedule also helps with managing expectations and setting boundaries. Some of the perks of working from home include getting to dictate your own schedule and free time, not needing to commute every day… Thus, you can keep your list and scripts handy for guidance whenever you blank out or stumble over your words. This will enable you to connect with colleagues, integrate online apps into your workflow, and participate in calls or chats without missing a beat. Those who work well from home create boundaries in a work-life world without them, says Pychyl. If you had surgery or are recovering from the treatment of a more serious condition that prevents you from moving around a lot or traveling long distances, then this can be a good reason to work from home. According to the American Management Association, companies that instituted a telework program enjoyed a 63 percent reduction in unscheduled absences. On the other hand, it can leave you feeling unattractive, unmotivated and, well, unclean. They are less likely to be on the clock for the full workday. *42% of U.S. employers allowed staff to work remotely in 2008 -- up from just 30% in 2007. Working parents who move from an out-of-home office to telecommuting can maintain their incomes while spending more time at home and saving on many workplace costs. According to Entrepreneur, one of the most common Compounded several times over the course of a day or week, it can mean the difference between meeting deadlines or succumbing to distractions and missed opportunities. And, of course, remote workers are far less likely to infect other employees, in the first place. Do you have a strong track record of reliability and high work ethic? Love the job, but hate the office politics and drama? Remaining connected to other employees, however, is essential; lower scores were found among those who rarely had contact with fellow team members, and among those who always worked remotely, suggesting that maintaining close team ties is essential to supporting company culture and satisfaction. One way to get your boss to warm to a regular work-from-home schedule is to suggest a three- or six-month trial period, Bloom says. These days, more offices are assigning their employees to work from home. By increasing a company's access to scarce work skills and new geographic locations, it can also create strategic advantages.