And that’s not even the most surprising news because Twitter and Slack told their employees that they never have to return to work! —, 77% of millennials report that flexible work would make them more productive. Additionally, recent developments with the coronavirus pandemic led many companies to shift to an entirely remote team. 4. ... Not all, to be sure. —, Two-thirds of employers report increased productivity for remote workers compared to in-office workers. Join our newsletter to get notified of the best products available for your home. Nearly 20% of workers are making a go of it from the living room; 28.5% are working from the master bedroom; A majority (56% ) were unable to bring equipment from their employer to work from home. (, 34% of respondents stated that remote working allowed them to focus on their families without giving up on their careers. (, A survey of 127 business leaders from HR, Legal and Compliance, and Finance departments reported that 82% of them permitted employees to work from home for some time as daily life resumed. —, According to a 2017 study by IT solutions company Softchoice, 74% of 1,000 office workers surveyed said they would leave their job for another that offered the option of more remote work. Working remote also reduces printing since everything is shared digitally, so waste is reduced significantly at home than in offices. (There is a site on line by that name) looked legit, so she did interview ,took some kind test questions. Let’s take a look at more working from home statistics related to productivity. American Express is saving up to $15 million a year in real estate costs thanks to remote working. (, 91% of the participants state that flexible work schedules increase their morale. Chang Chen is the Head of Growth & Marketing at According to MarketWatch, the average office space per employee costs $14,800 in New York, $6,702 in Los Angeles and $6,080 in Boston annually. In our latest US Remote Work Survey, PwC surveyed 133 US company executives and 1,200 US office workers between November 24 and December 5, 2020, to see how effective remote work has been. 65% of workers said they would be more productive in a home office than in a traditional office space. (, During the coronavirus pandemic, 50% of the organizations reported that over 81% of their employees work remotely. In a study by Stack Overflow, they found that developers who work remotely can earn as much as 40% more than developers working in an office. Companies such as Dell, American Express and Aetna Insurance all have encouraged employees to work remote, which has helped them save significantly on overhead. Millennial job seekers have said that they weigh flexible work options heavily when it comes to finding a new employer, but flexibility isn’t only desired for the sake of work-life balance. —, 76% of female tech professionals think businesses offering remote work would be more likely to retain top talent. Editor's Note: A version of this story appeared in CNN's Work Transformed newsletter. (, 10% of global businesses experienced a boost in employee retention in 2020 when they offered flexible schedules. Kasriel has a point. 78% of remote workers have at least a college degree and 32% are manager level or higher. —. According to a report by the Pew Research Center based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent National Compensation survey, only 7% of workers in the U.S. had access to a “flexible workplace” benefit or telework. Old thinking believes that employees must be in the office to be productive, but this mentality disregards the distractions that an office environment comes with. It would also reduce the amount of oil we use by 640 million barrels and cut emissions by 54 million tons of greenhouse gas. But in 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the trends that were already in action when it comes to working from home policies. We have collected all the 2020’s leading working from home stats and trends for you right here. The statistic shows changes in remote work trends due to COVID-19 in the United States in 2020. —, 83% of employees feel they do not need an office to be productive. With the rise of working from home in the U.S., this scenario is not uncommon anymore. Those who sense this grand experiment in working from home comes with plenty of downsides -- longer days, more meetings and more email to answer — are now backed up by data. How many people worked from home before COVID-19? Premiere Global Services, Inc. (PGi) reported that 82% of their telecommuters reported lower stress levels. The majority of hiring managers (67%) agree that … However, if you still own a car and leave it in your driveway, we found on our home burglary statistics post that this can deter theft. Over two-thirds, or 69%, of employees are experiencing burnout symptoms while working from home, the survey found. (, 13% of the employees are more productive while working from home, and it has been observed that they take fewer leaves or days off. No traffic, no shoulder bumping and no pseudo breakfasts as you’re rushing out the door. – Remote Work Increases Job Satisfaction (, 45% of the respondents in a study believe that they got more done while working from home. While some employers have introduced ping pong tables, beer on tap and bean bag chairs to boost employee morale, it’s just not cutting it. Poor SaaS performance hampers worker productivity. Telecommuting full time brings in more than $4,000 in savings each year thanks to reduced expenses on things like gas, parking and public transit costs and dry cleaning. The above-mentioned remote working stats are a clear testament that this phenomenon is not only here to stay but will become more prevalent with time. It has given rise to more data on how workers feel about remote work and their commitment to a company. Employee respondents were either required to work from home because of the pandemic or did so routinely anyway. —, By 2020, organizations that support a “choose-your-own-work-style” culture will boost employee retention rates by more than 10%. (, Research suggests that remote workers earn salaries higher than $100K/year, which is 2.2 times more than on-site workers. Data shows the number of people working exclusively from home rose from 21% to 24%. Results for this Gallup poll are based on self-administered web surveys conducted March 28-April 2, 2020, with a random sample of 2,276 employed U.S. … In fact, Google closed its offices early this year and asked employees to work from home until September 2021. It has revolutionized the trend of flexible work arrangements over the years with the rise of freelancing and the need to create a work-life balance. Coronavirus Means Working From Home For More Employees Love it or hate it, millions of workers are figuring out a new work-life balance as more employers try … 2020 Zenger Folkman manager engagement study. (, In the last five years, the trend of remote working grew by 44%. There is considerable variation in the types of jobs that employees undertake in regions across the … 78% of remote workers primarily work from home, 9% work from an office, 7% work from a coworking space, 5% work from a cafe and 1% work from elsewhere. (, Due to the unexpected shift to remote work, 70% of managers report that working from home improved or maintained their team’s performance. CO2 emissions dropped by at least 25% in February 2020. To put that in perspective, that’s 3.7 million people working from home in 2000, increased to 6.5 million. As a workplace phenomenon, flexible jobs have come under quite a bit of scrutiny from academics, news organizations, businesses, and government agenciesall looking to come up with stats about remote work and insight into how job flexibility impacts the marketplace. (, 38% of the research participants viewed the lack of commute as the top benefit of working from home. U.S. workers' frequency of remote work to avoid catching or spreading the coronavirus. Following are some working from home statistics that disclose why people choose to continue with remote work. (. Among performance-based remote work statistics in 2020, 94% of surveyed employers report that company productivity has been the same (67%) or higher (27%) since employees started working from home during the pandemic. To put that in perspective, that’s 3.7 million people working from home in 2000, increased to 6.5 million. In 2016, Dell announced its plans to further expand its telecommuting and remote work initiatives, citing the $12 million in annual savings from reduced office space costs. While some companies may not see the same value of an in-office employee as a remote employee, resulting in pay cuts, this trade-off is not always the case dependent on the skillset and career path of the employee. June 29, 2020 Stanford research provides a snapshot of a new working-from-home economy. It seems like more and more people are now working from home. Let’s go through some work from home statistics to determine the biggest challenges faced by remote workers this year. (, Research suggests that almost three-fourth of the participants deemed remote work the best non-monetary strategy to retain employees. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. (, 18% of executives across all industries worked remotely one day per week. In FlexJobs’ 2018 annual survey on telecommuting, they uncovered that the top reasons why people believe they are more productive while working remotely: fewer distractions and interruptions, reduced stress from commuting, minimal office politics and a quieter noise level. Among its many other benefits, remote working has led to greater happiness and loyalty among employees, resulting in greater retention. Picture this: Your morning routine without a commute. But Stanford professor Nicholas Bloom has definitive data that paints a very different picture and indicates it's time once and for all to embrace and enable the benefits of working from home. That gives employers the option to be picky, and only hire those who are interested in being a part of the company for the long haul. Currently, 33% are always working at home, and 25% are sometimes doing so. Nicholas Bloom is widely known for his research showing the benefits of working from home. —, 62% of remote workers say they’re afraid that their onsite colleagues don’t think they are working as hard as them. But let’s face it, some remote workers might be hesitant to admit to their boss that they’re stressed for fear of being requested back into the office. Of those who did some work from home, 86.0% did so as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. 90% of remote workers plan on working remotely for the rest of their careers. She has 12+ years of experience in growth and marketing for SAAS companies. (, Another research shows that 18% of the remote work participation came from IT operations, 9% came from financial services, 14% from customer service, and 11% from the administrative staff. The obvious reasons why working from home can reduce stress are: no commute, comfortable clothing, personalized office space and more. More than one-third say they work remotely to care for their children. More than a third say that they will prioritize flexible jobs over bigger job positions. 72% of talent professionals agree that work flexibility (which includes … From foraging for plants and animals for food close to the dwelling facilities to working from home to save gasoline during the oil crisis in 1970s, remote working has been here for 1.4 million years. Working from home allows employees to relocate, whatever the circumstances may be, without needing to seek out a new job. It has become commonplace for many organizations to allow their staff to work from home, several times a week. Work-life balance has been the talk of the recruitment and HR community for years, but millennials are defining it differently these days. Teleconferencing and remote work technologies have advanced so much that businesses these days can thrive only on remote teams with relative ease. Let’s browse through some work from home stats regarding employee recruitment and retention. And working from home, in many ways, might be the smartest solution for older workers who tend to be more susceptible to severe cases of COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus. Therefore, retention rates are typically higher for these companies. The number of “good quality air days” increased by 22% in February 2020. Essential workers were excluded. This lady claimed to work for Kelly Staffing Services. (, 61% of employees left their job due to a lack of flexibility in work. In FlexJobs’ 2018 Annual Survey, they found that 76% of respondents said that they would be more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work options. (, It has been estimated that the US alone can save $4.5 billion in savings per year due to the increase in productivity and a decrease in overhead costs due to remote working. Stephane Kasriel, the CEO of Upwork, once said “Companies that refuse to support a remote workforce risk losing their best people and turning away tomorrow’s top talent.”. Of … Update: In April 2020, statistics released by the UK's Office for National Statistics showed 49.2% of adults in employment were working from home, as a result of the social distancing measures introduced in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Allowing a worker to telecommute half the time can save an employer more than $11,000 a year. (, 68% of the global workforce works remotely at least once a month, while 18% work from home full-time. (, A survey suggests that 91% of employees choose remote work as it offers a work-life balance (, 79% of the employees experienced increased productivity and focus while working from home (, It was estimated that employees saved between $2,500 and $4,000 per year when they worked from home for half of the time. In the end, recruiters say that negotiating is key. Yes, you read that right. 67% of recruiters suggest workers need re-skilling. Additionally, in 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 23.7% of the U.S. population worked at home for at least some hours. She was looking for data entry jobs. As we all get used to this new normal, many can’t help but wonder what this year’s work-from-home movements can tell us about the future. Following are some working from home statistics that disclose why people choose to continue with remote work. To describe the current state of work from home access overall, we use data for 2020 year-to-date. 21% of remote workers say that the biggest struggle of working remotely is loneliness, while another 21% said that it was collaborating and communicating. (, While working from home, 35% of employees feel isolated and lonely as they cannot interact with their colleagues. ZFCO. (, Remote working is preferred by senior staff that is further up the career ladder. The big picture: work from home statistics As the world continues to embrace the idea of remote work, businesses are just beginning to understand that work from home comes with its own set of benefits and challenges. (, 32% of people think that the biggest benefit of remote work is that it allows them to have a flexible schedule. Here’s what the stats say: Remote working lets people experience blended work and life schedules, explaining why most of them will continue working remotely even after the pandemic. According … Data for 2020 is year-to-date, through March 9, 2020. Recruiting and Job Retention. (, 86% of the respondents in a survey think that working from home has considerably reduced their stress levels and positively impacted their health. 69% of millennials would give up other work benefits for a more flexible working space. Whether it be to spend more time with their families versus sitting in traffic, or fulfill their travel bucket list, remote work has been proven to promote a work-life balance. All of our reviews are unsponsored, so we earn money by using affiliate links. Additionally, given that employers who offer remote work don’t need to recruit in one particular city, the quality of applicants can be much higher. Does that mean that working remote could help lower stress related to work? —, Nearly 2 in 3 survey respondents who work remotely say they are more productive now than when they worked onsite at a company. Although surveys are underway for how Covid-19 will affect these statistics, Global Workplace Analytics estimates that 56% of the U.S. workforce holds a job that is at least partially compatible with remote work, and that 25-30% of the workforce will be working at home for more than one day a week over the next two years. Around the world, 44% of companies don’t allow remote work at all. – Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey Report (2020) Nearly 3,000 employees responded to the Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey between March 30th and April 24th, 2020 making it the largest global post-COVID employee survey to date. (, Remote workers are prone to staying with their current job for the next five years, 13% more than office workers. (, 15% of the health care industry, 10% of the technology sector, 9% financial services, 8% education sector, and 7% of manufacturing industries prefer to work from home. Additionally, in 2018, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that 23.7% of the U.S. population worked at home for at least some hours. 55% of remote workers would be likely to look for another job if they were no longer allowed to work … (, Among the remote workers of a company, 55% were founders or C-level executives, while 48% were from the VP level. (, 85% of businesses report that increased flexibility in the employees’ work schedules has led to increased productivity. With ministers increasingly nervous about the outlook for the economy, the Office for National Statistics said 49% of workers reported working … The demand for flexible working environments and advancement in technology has encouraged companies to offer employees the option to work from home. (, 18% of the respondents find it difficult to unplug after working from home. FlexJobs also did some digging, asking recruiters if pay for remote employees is different than for in-office employees for the same role, and their answer was a resounding: no. But, there are ways that remote work could increase stress based off of each employees’ personality. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 29 percent of Americans can work from home, … —, People who are working from home in the United States right now avoid emitting 3.6 million tons of commuting-related greenhouse gasses annually. Statistics on working from home in 2020 Top Reasons Why Employees Work Remotely. (, 80% of U.S. workers state that they are more likely to reject a job that does not offer flexible working. In fact, according to a study released by the U.S. Census, 5.2% of workers in the U.S. worked from home full time in 2017, a 3.3% increase since 2000. To get it in your inbox, sign up for free, here. © 2021 Your Best Digs - All rights reserved. Not only does working from home lower oil consumption, but it reduces the need for road repair and parking. (, 20% of remote workers struggle with communication and collaboration with their team. —, 81% percent of remote workers have traveled outside of their home city and spent time working during those travels. One third of firms report that they expect to see businesses of all sizes opting for flexible work locations rather than fixed term leading contracts. —, Around 69% of workers believe technology has made them more productive, but nearly 25% believe technology will replace them in their jobs; and 83% of workers use technology to collaborate in real time, but 78% said technical problems disrupt the collaborative experience. March 30, 2020 The productivity pitfalls of working from home in the age of COVID-19. 32% said … There’s absolutely no difference. FlexJobs’ 2018 annual survey on telecommuting, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), Premiere Global Services, Inc. (PGi) reported. Around 77,000 lives may have been saved due to the reduction in air pollution. We earn a commission when you purchase items through our links. ️ Only around 7% of U.S. employees regularly worked from home before the COVID-19. The good news is you can find an array of work-from-home jobs across all industries and at varying experience levels. By encouraging the ability for employees to work remote, it supports employees outside of work. Yes, but Payscale, Glassdoor and Ziprecruiter tells us that it’s industry dependent. 79% of employees said they would be more loyal to a business if it offered more flexibility. (, 3.4% of the U.S. population now works remotely, and this number has increased from 2.9% in 2015. What is your work-from-home forecast for after Covid-19? (, Research suggests that 76% of the workers will be more loyal to their employers if they were granted remote working options. —, The Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) reports that telecommuting is part of a climate change solution since using electronics to telecommute saves 9 to 14 billion kilowatt-hours of energy each year. Then, work towards creating a routine, defining boundaries, taking breaks, creating a new work environment or working on other ways to socialize during the work week. (, A study shows that 16% of the telecommuters were from the management, 14% from the office and administrative support, 13% from sales and related departments, 9% from business and financial operations, while 9% were from computer-related departments. (, 29% of the employees got more work by utilizing the commute time that enhanced their productivity. Overall, giving employees the opportunity to work from home has proved to be positive for employers. While remote employees might feel pressured to accept a lower salary due to the flexibility, progressive companies are more apt to compensate based on skills, not on location. March 13, 2020. Productivity and efficiency remain the top concerns of businesses whenever they plan to develop policies regarding work from home. (, Remote workers are the happiest when they spend over 76% of their time working from home. Work-life balance and working from home go hand in hand. In the meantime, here is our current work-from-home forecast: When she's not putting a product's promise to the test, you'll find her hiking a local trail or collecting new stamps in her passport. No matter what city a company is based out of, office space will always cost more than no office space at all. —, 27% of workers regard their commute as a waste of time. Whether you’re in-office or remote, total compensation is based on the position as well as performance. —, 40% of remote workers were in agreement that a flexible work schedule is the biggest benefit to working remotely. Here are some remote working statistics that might surprise you: The following are some remote work statistics on remote working when it comes to certain job positions. At Aetna Insurance, 47% of the workforce works remotely, which saves the company more than $70 million a year in real estate, utility and housekeeping costs. ... Thu 1 Oct 2020 12.07 EDT. As a result of our digging into the environmental impact of working from home, we uncovered these surprising facts. Studies show that telecommuting saves on costs for both the employer and the employee. Although statistics show that productivity goes up for employees with flexible work options, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that 62% of remote workers say they’re afraid that their onsite colleagues don’t think they are working as hard as them. —, 75% of people say they are more productive working remotely due to fewer distractions. But for some employees, it has been a challenging endeavor. The potential drawbacks of working from home (Owl Labs) Despite the fact that … According to data from Global Workplace Analytics, if everyone whose jobs are compatible with remote work telecommuted half the time, they’d eliminate 119 billion miles of highway driving each year. We do extensive research and hands-on testing, so you can trust the products we recommend. In April, amid tighter restrictions, 51% of U.S. workers were always remote, 18% were sometimes doing so and 31% were never working remotely. 42% of enterprises report that at least of their … We took a look at what causes stress in the workplace and found that an employee’s personality traits can affect their stress level when working remote. (, 83% of disabled respondents in a survey stated that remote work would enable them to be a valuable part of the workforce and contribute to the organization. Work-from-home policies ensure that business goes on as usual even in the middle of a raging pandemic. We pulled more statistics that showcase how remote work affects retention rates. That is up almost 20% from a similar survey in early May. Before the pandemic, 17 percent of U.S employees worked from home 5 days or more per week, a … For this research, we use data from 2011 through 2020. Fewer distractions allow for workers to focus on the task at hand, often completing it quicker than if they were sitting in a cubicle. —, Annually, Xerox teleworkers drive 92 million fewer miles, saving 4.6 million gallons of gas, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by nearly 41,000 metric tons and saving over $10 million. Your Best Digs saves you time and money with reviews of the products you need. Working from home makes males feel more overwhelmed than females. —, 97% of the workforce said a job with flexibility would have a huge improvement or positive impact on their overall quality of life. Regardless, results from numerous studies looking into employees who work from home don’t lie. To help answer the question of how many employees will work-at-home after the Covid-19 crisis, we have launched a Global Work-from-Home Experience Survey in partnership with Dr. Anita Kamouri, co-founder of Iometrics and several global associations. Derek Thompson. (, 29% of remote workers report a lack of motivation, while 24% think that remote work hinders their network and career development. Some experts say that it costs upwards of $2,600 on average per year for Americans to commute to work. —, Nearly 3 in 4 respondents say the arrangement helps them with work/life balance. From these big tech companies to small online stores, organizations of all sizes and across all industries have had to let their employees practice isolation and go into quarantine. Before breaking down how working remotely has affected the workforce for both employers and employees, let’s take a look at some of the highlights around working from home. (, 42% of workers will go for remote work more frequently in the next five years if they have the option. Remote working lets people experience blended work and life schedules, explaining why most of them will continue working remotely even after the pandemic. (, As compared to 30% of employees working remotely part of the time before the pandemic, 41% of employees chose to work remotely some of the time. Sarah supports Your Best Digs with content development and PR efforts. (, Research suggests that 47% of the employees find it challenging to work from home due to at-home distractions. In 2020, remote work has fulfilled the long-term wish of some employees who wanted a more flexible work schedule. A “ choose-your-own-work-style ” culture will boost employee retention in 2020, the trend of remote plan... Productive when they spend over 76 % of employees are more productive when they spend over 76 % the. Early may working-from-home economy picture: work from home, 35 % of remote work is it!, 10 % of their time working during those travels it seems like more and more recognizing.... U.S. population now works remotely, and 25 % are sometimes doing so higher for these companies the office and... 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