He added the Pratiiyamana or implied sense which is two-fold :  one is Loukika or the one that we use  in ordinary life;  and the other is Kavya vyapara gocara  or one  which is used only in poetry. Thank you. Dhvani: Nature and Culture of Sound by S.C. Malik (Feb 1, 1999) Sphota, Pratibha and Dhvani by Ajodhya Nath Hota (Jan 1, 2006) Vyangyavyakhya: The Aesthetics of Dhvani in Theatre by K.G. Thus, the success of a good Kavya fundamentally involves three aspects:  the poet’s creative inspiration (Prathibha); its  form  by way  of the words (Sabda) and meaning (Artha), i.e. Glimpses of Indian Poetics by Satya Deva Caudharī, Indian Poetics (Bharathiya Kavya Mimamse) by Dr. T N Sreekantaiyya, Sahityashastra, the Indian Poetics by Dr. Ganesh Tryambak Deshpande, History of Indian Literature by Maurice Winternitz, Moriz Winternitz, A History of Classical Poetry: Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit by Siegfried Lienhard, Literary Cultures in History by Sheldon Pollock, The Philosophy of the Grammarians, Volume 5 By Harold G. Coward, Posted by sreenivasaraos on July 24, 2015 in Kavya, Sanskrit, Tags: Abhinavagupta, Anandavardhana, Artha, Classifications of Dhvani, Dhvani, Indian Poetics, Kavya, Opponents to Dhvani, Paroksha artha, Rasa, Rasa Dhvani, Sabda, Sanskrit poetry, Sphota, Vyanjana, This WordPress.com site is the bee's knees, [I could not arrange the topics in a sequential order (krama). The ultimate object of Kavya is Rasa, the aesthetic delight. Ananadavardhana classification is generally accepted and has come to stay. The last name Dhvani (Hindi: ध्वनि, Marathi: ध्वनी) is found most frequently in India. But, here, the emotive element was not directly expressed in words (Vachya) ; but , had to be grasped by  the reader indirectly (Parokshya ) through suggestions. The criteria, here, is not whether the expression sounds beautiful; but, whether its qualities (Guna) are adequate (Auchitya) to lead the reader to the inner core of the poetry.]. Rasa can only be suggested but not described. It is these two concepts – Dhvani and Rasa – that are the building blocks of Anandavardhana’s  theory of Poetics. Need to translate "ध्वनि स्पंद" (Dhvani spanda) from Hindi? Definition of dhvani in the Definitions.net dictionary. According to him, the most important element in the import of a Kavya is the emotion (Rasa) suggested; and that can be appreciated and enjoyed by persons of refined sensibilities (Sahrudaya). Search for more names by meaning. Dhvani Desai is an international and Indian award-winning animation filmmaker and a poet. It is called Rasa – Dhvani where in Rasa or flavour or emotion or mood or sentiment of poetry is evoked. dhvani Roman Hindi to English Meaning is Tone. Origin / Tag / Usage. In Kavya, they said, neither Alamkara nor Rasa but Dhvani which suggest Rasa, the poetic sentiment, is the essence, the soul (, Thus the evolution of the Navina School marks a transition from the ‘outer’ element to the ‘inner’ one, in regard to the method, the content and appreciation of the Kavya. Though Dhvani was regarded the soul of poetry, the Navina did not lose sight of Rasa. No new poet can merely borrow from earlier poets; and, yet be able to compose a credible new work. The suggested sense Vyanjana-artha, which (though not explicit) becomes the object of awareness, is regarded as the essence of poetry. Of these, the Vyanjana-artha, which is the suggested sense or the essence of the word is most interesting; and, is much debated. Thus, the principle of Dhvani is the most important of the Kavya dharma, understanding Kavya. Is the name Dhvani a female or a male gender name and what is the origin of Dhvani? By popular demand, you can now purchase Backorder Stock and be guaranteed the soonest possible delivery of our most popular products. Thus the evolution of the Navina School marks a transition from the ‘outer’ element to the ‘inner’ one, in regard to the method, the content and appreciation of the Kavya. Thus, The Dhvani School accorded each element of Kavya its appropriate position. Rasa is the subject of Vyanjaka, as differentiated from Abhidha and Lakshana. This is divided into two types: A (i), the first type where the literal sense is not intended or not meant (avivaksita – va­cya). One can, at best, attempt to give only the brief outlines of a few of it here. The unique perspective that each poet brings to the objects, enables the object to appear new and be described with awe and wonder. It sheds light on the function of suggestion in poetry. Rasa, Dhvani and Auchitya are the Prastha traya, the three fundamental principles of Kavya Shastra. In Rasa Dhvani, emotion is conveyed through Vyanjaka, suggestion. You may take these as random collection of discussions; and, read it for whatever it is worth. Indian, Sanskrit; More info. But, the suggested meaning is understood only by those who are gifted with some imagination and a sort of intuition. In Abhinavagupta’s classification, the Vastu Dhavani and Alamkara Dhavani are merely parts of poetry; but, are superior to direct designation. Yet, through the description of the situation the reader understands the emotion and derives that exalted delight, Rasa. To overcome this,  Bhatta Nayaka suggested Sadharanikarana , by the function of Bhavakatva. But, what has changed is the types of discussions around it. Dr. Kunjunni Raja concludes (page 315) : many of criticisms against the Dhvani theory are due to the fact that the poets and literary critics did not confine themselves to a relatively small portion of language behavior, which is definite; but, tried to extend it to the totality of human experience, including the emotional. In the later times, the unalloyed aesthetic pleasure (Ananda) that a reader derives from the Kavya by evoking its Rasa was compared by Bhattanayaka (10th century) to Absolute Bliss (Brahmananda); and placed it even above Yogic experience. Variants: For another variant of the name Dhwani across the world, see Dhvani. And, both are partners in poetic experience; each is inspired in his own manner. The later writers of Kavya had adopted the idea of a predominant Rasa for the work as a whole. And, therefore, Anandavardhana stated that even the construction of a plot must be made in such a way that there is scope for highlighting a chosen predominant Rasa. Here are 2 possible meanings. The experience of the poetic beauty (Rasa) though elusive, by which the reader is delighted, comes through the understanding heart. The name Dhvani means. As Taittiriya Upanishad remarks in another context: rasam hi evaayam labhvaanandi bhavati- on experiencing Rasa , one becomes truly blissful. But, the suggested meaning is understood only by those who are gifted with some imagination and a sort of intuition. This helps, he says,  in enjoying Srngara-rasa, in a generalized way . Though, thoughts about its nature are already met with in the works of scholars like AudumbaraayaNa and others, its role in the ordinary verbal usage, and its relation with the abstract level of sphoTa, was defined only at the time of PataNjali. That is why, it is remarked, that the Grammarians (unlike the goodhearted cultured reader the Sahrudaya) cannot truly appreciate and enjoy the Rasa of good poetry. From Proto-Indo-Aryan *dʰwaníṣ, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *dʰwaníš, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰwen- (“to make a noise”). It is a noun by form. All these elements are , therefore, highly essential for enjoyment of poetry.\. Search comprehensively and find the name meaning of Dhvani and its name origin or of any other name in our database. Here, speech (Vani) that is adorned (vibhusita) by Dhvani attains a freshness (navatvam), even where the words are arranged to show apparent conventional meaning (pūrvārthā-anvayavaty api) – (Dhl.4.2). Dhvani is an Indian name of Sanskrit origin. The Loukika Dhvani in poetry is again two-fold:  the one that suggests Vastu or some matter (Vastu Dhvani); and, the other which suggests a figure of speech (Alamkara Dhvani) . It does not mean that words and primary meanings are unimportant. Name Dhvani is combinations of, one occurrence of A, one occurrence of D, one occurrence of H, one occurrence of I, one occurrence of N and one occurrence of V has a lots of significance in Astrology. Perhaps, this claim provided the model upon which the Vyakarana philosophers based their concept of Sphota. See also the related category sanskrit. http://www.pitarau.com/ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. It is the essence of poetry. Anandavardhana, in his Dhvanyaloka , says that Vynjaartha (the un-expressed or the suggested meaning) is Dhvani – perhaps, inspired by Bhartrhari’s theory of Sphota . Here, the mere knowledge of the word alone is not enough to understand and enjoy the poetic import or the essence of the Kavya. In order to illustrate his concept, Bhatta Nayaka , observes : a  spectator cannot have Rati -bhava in respect of a heroine, say Shakuntala, because he knows that she is wife of Dushyanta. People search this name as Dhvani, … The later discussions are more pointed and specific. Meaning of Dhvani. There is nothing surprising in this: both names … It differs from the expressed and the indicated sense. Those who criticized his views include: Bhattanayaka, Kuntaka, Mahimabhatta, Dhananjaya, Bhoja, Rajasekhra, Vishwanatha and few others. Thank yo, Thus, the success of a good Kavya fundamentally involves three aspects:  the poet’s creative inspiration (, As mentioned earlier in the series, a word has three functions: it signifies or denotes (, The meaning that is comprehended immediately after the word is uttered is its primary meaning (, In poetry, the word acquires another power, Which is to say : it is not the direct literal and obvious meaning that is explicit in poetry, but it is the suggested, indirect (, The primary meaning can be understood by all. Meaning of Hindu Girl name Dhvani is Noise; Sound. It is designed to help students. The poet is the first reader of his Kavya; and the first one to experience Rasa from its Dhvani sensitivities. The questions raised were : If Guna and Alamkara are left out , what else is there to lend beauty to Kavya? Thus, the faculty of indicating something which it is not is the distinguishing character of Dhvani. The Navina School laid more importance on the emotional content (Bhava) of the Kavya. C(i) :-  It may be a thing (Vastu Dhvani), some rare fact or idea or an event or occur­rence is implied. His theory of Dhvani, to put it simply, is Vyanjana or suggestion as applied to poetry. It needs intuition or Prathibha. The Indian name Dhwani is a variant form of Dhvani. The subtle, suggested essence of the Kavya that resides within and is extracted with delight by the cultured reader (Sahrudaya) is the Dhavni. For instance, Adi Kavi Valmiki was so intensely hurt and saddened by the wailing of curlew bird whose mate was shot down by a hunter in the woods, that his grief (Shoka) poured out into a verse (Shloka) filled with pathos that became the Rasa of Ramayana. According to him, events and descriptions, figures of speech etc not directly relevant to the development of the theme and its main Rasa should be avoided in a good Kavya. Then , he asks, how can the spectator relish Sringara -rasa? And, as apart of that experience he mentioned that  Bhaavana generalizes  the content ; and; Bhoga brings about the aesthetic relish. The Navina School pointed out that the reader should not stop at  the expression but should go further into the meaning that is suggested, or hinted, by it. Indeed Sphota is often identified with Pranava. The Rasa Dhvani, the most important type of Dhvani, consists in suggesting Bhava, the feelings or sentiments. Add More Info . In other words, in a verbal expression, According to Anandavardhana, the element of Rasa has to reside in the poet, in his creation Kavya and in the reader, the enjoyer. Be it Alamkara or Guna, it would  be beautiful and relishing only so long it is  appropriate from the point of view of Rasa . Hence, the epithet, Although it decaled that the soul of Kavya is verily the Rasa, the Dhvani School did not abandon the concepts of the  earlier, And then there is the element or principle of, Dhvani principle can be said, briefly, in statements: Rasa (aesthetic experience) is the soul of poetry; the mode in which the body of the poetry reveals, it is Dhvani (suggestion); and, the harmonious accordance of the body and the soul is Auchitya (propriety) . It assimilated within it all their essences. Yaska , the Niruktakara, remarks : a person, who merely recites the Vedas, without comprehending its meaning, is like a pillar (sthaanu) or a mere load-bearer (bhara-haara). The meaning of Dhvani is “Sound, tune; thunder”. Nagesha Bhatta (author of Manjusha and Shpota-vada) identifies Sage Sphotayana, mentioned by Panini in one of his rule, as the originator of the Sphota concept. What does ध्वनि (Dhvani) mean in Hindi? He thus brought the emotional response or enjoyment of the listener or the reader (, Anandavardhana introduced a sort of new norm into Kavya. According to Anandavardhana, all these devices are to be used for helping to evoke the right response in the mind and the heart of the reader. Dhvani is baby girl name mainly popular in Hindu religion and its main origin is Hindi. We do not have enough data to determine in which part … Bhatta Nayaka (8th-9th centuries) who wrote Hridayadarpana to refute  Anandavardhana’s theory , pointed out that Rasa can be experienced; but not suggested. Abhinavagupta, citing his teacher Bhattatauta, says: the the poet and an appreciative cultured listener/reader share a common experience of delight (kavaye shrotruh samanau anubhavas-tatah). Both Vastu Dhvani and Alamkara Dhvani can be expressed by direct meaning (Vacyaartha) or by suggestion (Vyangyanartha). Still looking for more? Dhvani Rhyming, similar names and popularity. But, Bharata who was mainly concerned with the successful productions of Drama that has to please varieties of people with different   or varied tastes, did not seem to considered it from that angle. Ancient Sanskrit word Yavan (Sanskrit यवन) literally means q.. Dhvani name meaning, Bengali baby Girl name Dhvani meaning,etymology, history, presonality details. While expanding on the concept of Dhvani, Anandavardhana did not confine himself to the words and sentences, but went on to include all contextual factors such as: the tone and gestures, the sound effect produced, the rhythm, the metere as well as the literal sense. Meaning of the Sanskrit Word: dhvani dhvani —the sounds Madhya 5.102, Madhya 13.14, Madhya 13.48, Madhya 13.50, Madhya 21.128, Antya 17.43 dhvani —sound Adi 12.26, Adi 17.123, Madhya 17.45, Antya 17.41 dhvani —vibration Adi 13.93, Madhya 12.111, Madhya 17.35, Madhya 21.142 Mammata carried forward the argument that Rasa is the principle substance and the object of poetry. Anandavardhana regarded Rasa Dhvani as the principal one. Girl child name Sarangi is name of a musical instrument whic.. Dharani (Sanskrit धरणी) is an ancient name of Sanskrit origi.. Means "earth" or "speech" in Sanskrit. In enjoying Srngara-rasa, in a Kavya resides in its experience, Rasa that exalted delight,.! Poetry to come into being and objects Boy name Dhvani meaning,,! Up, Dhvani and Auchitya are the Prastha traya, the suggested meaning may be of three.. Boy ( male ) name concept by adding an explanation to all essentials! 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Many seemed to accept Dhvani ; but as a secondary function Kavya, all other Rasas that relevant.

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