Lime is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which can be beneficial to the skin. Besides being effective in skincare, lime peels and lime juice play an important role in hair care as well. If you're looking to lighten several dark spots throughout your face, add a base like honey or baking soda to counteract the acidity and always put a moisturizer on after using limes. Lime occupies an important place among the fruits that possess medicinal properties. Women in these phases should make lime a part their diet to get some relief. It also tightens loose muscles. The antioxidant property of Vitamin C protects your eyes from aging and macular degeneration while the flavonoids prevent infections. Drink it early in the morning on empty stomach to get beneficial results within a week. It’s also packed with an abundance of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and vitamins A, E and K, all of which are necessary for good health. Apparently, there are many benefits of lime, some of which are listed in this article. When applied every other day, you should see results in a few weeks. It also prevents clogging up of pores. Acne and pimples are common problems for people with oily skin. The juice contains citric acid, which is used in skin care products to initiate skin peeling and regrowth. Besides, they stay active in your blood cells for longer and can fight more free radicals than green tea or dark chocolate. This will provide an inner glow to your skin. Firstly, the high levels of soluble fiber in limes help regulate the body’s absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. Limes are rich in soluble fiber that can lower blood pressure level as well as LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol. It contains citric acid, which is an excellent fat burner. To lose weight, add 1-2 teaspoons of raw, organic honey and the juice of a fresh lime to 8 ounces of warm water. It is a condition characterized by excess flaking of the scalp. Baking soda is good for removing unwanted facial hair; It helps in exfoliating dead cells. Benefits: Lime juice in its freshest and raw state is wonderful for your skin. Women with oily skin who suffering from acne, pimples, and blemishes can get flawless skin by applying lime on their face. I mostly like writing based on my experiences though I am not an expert related to any area. This face pack should be used every week as part of your skincare regimen. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Wear sunblock and protective clothing outside. It can also help improve elasticity and promote new skin cell growth. As Meenakshi Nagdeve, director of, notes, some types of arthritis are caused by a build-up of uric acid. Limes aren't just the tart fruits of the Citrus aurantifolia tree -- they're also tiny powerhouses of vitamins and nutrients. 1oz of lime juice contains 2.5g of carbohydrates and less then 1g fat, protein and fiber. Whether eaten as a fruit, used in various dishes, or consumed as juice, everyone enjoys this fruit. Here's why. Do you like lime? When this decay progresses into the dentin, you might start experiencing sensitivity and pain. Scrubbing your skin with lime peel or applying facial mask containing bits of lime peel can significantly reduce this hyper-pigmentation (3). Limes contain the soluble fiber pectin, which slows digestion. One type of anemia is caused by an iron deficiency that reduces the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells, the substance that allows the cells to carry oxygen around the body. Limes contain high levels of vitamin C, and this powerful antioxidant can help to protect the eyes from infections and macular degeneration. Now apply to pimples after washing skin w The antioxidant and antibacterial properties of limes are beneficial for your eyes. Lime juice is often used as an ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos. Astringents are effective in causing temporary tightening of muscles. Piles can be defined as an uncomfortable condition that occurs in the anal region, causing bleeding and discomfort during excretion and general activity. The benefits of lime for hair are as follows: Dandruff is, undoubtedly, one of the most common hair problems. With the progression of age and the exposure to UV rays, melanin that imparts color to your skin, can build up and get accumulated in your skin, giving rise to dark spots and other signs of aging. This fruit has been mentioned in ancient Indian and Chinese medicinal texts due to its health benefits. [ Read: Home Remedies To Treat Gum Diseases ]. Scurvy is a disease caused due to the deficiency of Vitamin C. It is characterized by frequent infections in the form of cold, ulcers on the tongue and mouth, cracked lips and lip corners, spongy, swollen and bleeding gums etc. Vitamin C does a great job at evening out pigmentation without too much irritation, and could help increase collagen in your skin as well. Lime Nutrition Facts Limes are low in calories but contain a hearty dose of fiber and vitamin C. To maximize your iron absorption, make sure your meals contain a good mix of iron-rich foods, like meat, lentils and spinach, along with plenty of vitamin C foods, such as limes. Limes can help heal ulcers and wounds in the digestive and excretory systems, thus providing relief from constipation, which is the root cause of piles. [ Read: Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Open Pores ]. The benefits of limes aren't limited to culinary delights, either. Rubbing a slice of lime on the scalp for few minutes before rinsing can also help in removing the excess oil from your scalp and hair. Besides, they prevent prostrate growth and prevent blockage of urine caused by calcium deposits in the urinary tract. The presence of a large amount of Vitamin C and flavonoids in lime juice helps reduce the body odor and sweat. Lime tree, scientific name Citrus Aurantifolia, is a small shrub-like, which is grown year-round in tropical climates and is commonly smaller and less sour than lemons. Then, rinse your hair. In addition to blasting away wrinkles, vitamin C helps protect against coronary heart disease by reducing free radicals’ ability to damage cell walls. Citric acid present in lime juice has been found to be very effective and beneficial in dealing with dandruff issues. Lime and lime juice possess natural fever reducing qualities. Also, if you have sensitive skin, test the juice on another part of your body before applying on your face. When used topically, lime can dissolve excess oil, prevent the formation of wrinkles, lighten age spots and brighten skin. Leave it overnight, and clean off in the morning with a damp towel. Home Recipes Ingredients Fruits Limes. All rights reserved. This uric acid is a waste product that is normally removed through urination. Vitamin C does more than fight the common cold. Often, ulcers and microbial growth are caused due to physical trauma. It can be used to lighten dark spots. It is effective in curing throat, mouth, stomach, intestines, colon, and urinary infections. Dip a cotton swab in the lime juice and apply a small amount of juice directly on the pimple. Rinsing the hair with lime juice added to water also helps in removing dandruff. How do you like to consume it? We know lime juice has high citric acid content. But a lime’s vitamin C boosts the body’s ability to absorb iron, increasing hemoglobin and alleviating the symptoms of anemia. Get your daily dose with one of these juicy citrus recipes! Share with us in the comments section below. The antibiotic properties of lime juice inhibit the growth of the acne causing bacteria. There are several varieties of lime fruit to choose from, with colors ranging from medium green to yellow. Lime juice is also incorporated in shampoos along with other essential ingredients for providing you with silky smooth and shining hair. The application of lime juice along with honey and olive oil mixture before washing your hair can provide you with shiny sparkling hairs. this remedy can make your skin sensitive to sunlight, Acne and pimples are common problems for people with oily skin, rinsing can also help in removing the excess oil, 20 Amazing Health Benefits Of Lemon Myrtle, 6 Serious Side Effects Of Grape Seed Extract, 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Blue Cheese, 10 Amazing Benefits Of Lemon Verbena Soap, Goat Milk: Health Benefits And Why It Could Be Better Than Cow Milk, 10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Sorghum (Jowar), 19 Best Benefits Of Lime Water (Nimbu Pani) For Skin, Hair And Health, 11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Sweet Potato Juice, 26 Amazing Benefits Of Cassava For Skin, Hair, And Health, 11 Health Benefits And Uses Of Castor Oil, Coconut Oil Side Effects: High Cholesterol, Diarrhea, And More, Apple Cider Vinegar: 8 Possible Side Effects And Dosage. If we were to talk about lime juice nutritional value, 31g lime juice contains 28b of water and 8 calories. Alternatively, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of lime juice in water and rinse your hair with it to remove excess oil. Lime benefits weight loss. Limes also possess disinfectant properties that can help cure infections in the urinary system. In case of urinary tract infection, lime juice boiled in water should be taken every couple of hours to get relief. This gives your skin a glow and makes it appear fresh and bright. Face the Fact: Lime. Lime juice, with its oil absorbing property, rids your scalp of all the excess oil. Cleanse your face thoroughly with soap and water. It will also lighten the scars left by pimples. Lime contains antiseptic properties and is used to cure infections of the skin and external wounds, like insect bites and cuts. But citric acid is able to dissolve uric acid, thus reducing joint swelling. To get rid of dandruff, rub lime slice directly on the scalp. However, lime can also dry out the skin and cause burns if kept for too long. Taste of Home is America's #1 cooking magazine. The bacteria present in facial pores aggravate the inflammation, increasing redness and soreness (2). Lime helps rejuvenate your skin and protects it from infections, thanks to its antioxidant, disinfectant and antibiotic properties. The deficiency of Vitamin C can also lead to gum problems. After steaming your face for a couple of minutes, gently rub some castor oil on the oily areas of your face in circular motions. Plagued by fatigue and lightheadedness? The refreshing fragrance of lime can make your mouth water even before consuming it. It is advisable to use fresh lime juice squeezed into water instead of commercial juices to get maximum benefits. According to the American Diabetes Association, citrus fruits like lime are beneficial for diabetics due to several reasons. While honey possesses antibacterial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria, the acidic nature of lime juice will control excess oil. Lime juice, whether taken orally or applied topically, benefits your skin in several ways. Leave it on for 25 minutes then rinse off with warm water. This juice, when consumed regularly by the patient who has been exposed to cholera-infected water, can reduce the ill effects of this deadly disease. This prevents the occurrence of a blood sugar spike, which is risky for diabetic patients. It has only 1mg of sodium. One fresh medium sized lime contains 22 milligrams calcium and five micrograms folate. You can start by adding lime to your diet. Because of its astringent properties, lime helps in curing toothaches and strengthens gums. When she’s not at her desk, you can probably find Caroline cooking up a feast, planning her next trip abroad or daydreaming about her golden retriever, Mac. Lime juice is acidic and honey has anti-bacterial properties. The citric acid in limes can help those suffering from arthritis. This procedure will make your hair 2-3 shades lighter in color. Vitamin C: Lemon juice contains vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid. 1. Make a paste of lime juice mixed with salt and apply it on your teeth. The following two tabs change content below. The vitamin C and antioxidants in limes are also anti-inflammatories that reduce swelling in joints and around the body, according to The main nutrient that promotes hair growth is Vitamin C, that is present in limes in large amounts. Scratching the peel of a lime and inhaling it provides relief from congestion and nausea. Apart from consumption, the oil extracted from lime peel is used as an ingredient in skin and hair care products like toothpastes, beauty soaps, deodorants, hair oils, body oils, disinfectants and mouth washes. Use it just like you would a toner. If you are suffering from increased cholesterol levels, it is advisable to boost your hesperidin levels by consuming more of limes. Apply this paste evenly on your skin and allow it to dry. Excessive sun exposure can tan your skin. You need collagen to boost your skin’s elasticity and smooth out wrinkles. Including limes in your diet can keep your eyes healthy and safe, well into your golden years. Limes have a high content of potassium, which helps eliminate the toxic substances and precipitates that get accumulated in the kidneys and the urinary bladder. If you’re looking out for your heart health, be sure to stay away from these 13 foods. Click here for additional information . The high concentrations of Vitamin C in citrus fruits help lower the temperature naturally. When applied externally on your skin, it helps treat bruises and rashes. Lime juice possesses healing and curative properties. Lime juice has been traditionally used in several weight reduction programs and is a great refresher and antioxidant drink. This can lead to lime burn with sun exposure. Lime juice, when added to potentially infected water, can prove to be an effective disinfectant. This build-up, which is usually flushed out by the kidneys, causes painful swelling and inflammation in joints. Citric acid naturally inhibits kidney stones made of crystallized calcium. So just use this solution only for ten minutes on a weekly basis. Dampen your face with a clean warm wash cloth or shave after you have come out of the shower. Hope you like our post on lime health benefits. They are often used in beauty treatments in spas as well as home remedies to improve the health and appearance of facial skin. Do Purple Potatoes Grow Naturally? After washing your face with a mild cleanser, squeeze a bit of lime juice into a dish. Mouth And Gum Treatment: Gum infections can be very painful and discomforting. 2,343 Followers, 199 Following, 259 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from LimeFace (@lime.face) This has been a popular cure since the nineteenth century when the British used to have lime juice to ward off scurvy. Being a wonderful source of antioxidants and detoxifiers like Vitamin C and flavonoids, lime can help reduce the number of free radicals and detoxify your body, preventing gout. You can also mix lime juice or oil into your bathing water to create a refreshing bathing experience and leave you with a glow on your face. 9. One theory that has struck a chord with many beauty-conscious, however, is that limes can cure dark spots. Lime juice can sometimes dry your scalp. All over the world, lime is widely used to make jams, pickles, sorbets, snacks, candies, confectioneries, cocktails and other beverages. All you need to do is apply it with a cotton ball to the darkened portions of your skin and leave it for 30 minutes. [ Read: Infused Water Recipes To Keep You Hydrated ]. Are They Good For You. Lime juice is naturally sweet but extremely low in calories. It’s also an antioxidant that counteracts free radicals, making it … For this purpose, you can mix some lime juice in your bath water to get a rejuvenating bath experience. Rub lime juice on your skin every day for best results. When used properly, acids like alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids can be great for your skin. The juices from limes are rich in Vitamin C, but also rich in acidity. The high acidic content in lime juice can dissolve the enamel. By slowing down digestion, the body is able to take its time absorbing carbohydrates, preventing blood sugar from spiking. For a glowing complexion, all you need to do is have a glass of lukewarm water with some honey and freshly squeezed lime juice early in the morning regularly. Being packed with Vitamin C, lime is extremely effective in curing scurvy. The addition of lime juice to various oils and its application promotes hair growth. That is the reason why they are often used in beauty and skincare products for improving the appearance of your facial skin. StyleCraze provides content of general nature that is designed for informational purposes only. In India ‘mosambi’ or sweet lime is a popular fruit and its juice is widely sold by roadside vendors. Gently massage the coconut oil into your face and leave for a minute or so. 7. Limes contain vital … Cystitis, also known as urinary tract infection, is an inflammation of the urinary bladder caused due to lack of hygiene or allergic reaction to drugs or radiation therapy. Though now eradicated in many parts of the world, cholera continues to be a fatal disease in some places. A 2017 study found that citrus, taken either alone or with antibiotics, helped protect the body from Helicobacter pylori, a bacteria that causes stomach ulcers and cancer, as well as Salmonella poisoning. The benefits of lime water can help you here. Lime juice, a natural antibacterial and exfoliating agent, can wash away your acne in two to three weeks with daily topical use. Lime helps rejuvenate your skin and protects it from infections, thanks to its antioxidant, disinfectant and antibiotic properties. Limes can help slow down the production of melanin which accumulates in the skin, causing discoloration and other aging signs. The juice contains citric acid, which is used in skin care products to initiate skin peeling and regrowth. The acids in lime help reduce gastric acidity by causing an alkaline reaction in the digestive system. This citrus fruit contains calcium and folate, two vital nutrients for post-menopausal women as well as those in the child-bearing age. The presence of a large amount of Vitamin C and flavonoids in lime juice helps reduce the body odor and sweat. Scars are simply the leftover marks of a skin “injury” when healthy skin tissue is destroyed. 15 things diabetes doctors do to keep their own blood sugar under control, Do Not Sell My Personal Information – CA Residents. Gout is caused by the accumulation of free radicals or toxins in the body, primarily uric acid. When consumed, it can cure infection in the colon, urinary tract, and kidneys. Baking soda is great for making your tub sparkle and neutralizing unwanted body odor, but that doesn’t mean it's a good idea to rub it on your face. Is lime good for acne? Now wash your face with water and dry it. Shiny hair is loved and desired by all. It is cholesterol free. It contains many other important nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Folate, Magnesium, Potassium, Choline, Phosphorus, and Betaine. Lime can cause the skin to be very sensitive to the sunlight. For this purpose, you can mix some lime juice in your bath water to get a rejuvenating bath experience. Treat this skin condition with lime juice and honey face pack for effective results. The scars left by pimples can be lightened by massaging some fresh lime juice on them. But now that you know, make sure you stock up on these healthy citrus fruits for good health and a beautiful you! It is also an effective cure for infections of the respiratory system, such as coughs and chest congestion, bronchitis, sinusitis, and asthma. However, ensure that you stay indoors and avoid direct exposure to sunlight this remedy can make your skin sensitive to sunlight. Mix them well and make a paste. Protect your eyes with lime. Lime also possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can help ease pain and inflammation. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of a mixture of lime and honey is effective at suppressing coughs. In case of high to moderate fever, the patient should be given lime juice and water along with other fruit juices to bring down the temperature to manageable levels. Citrus fruits are known for their beneficial effects on the skin and lime is no exception. Allow the juice to sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off completely. It also assists with the production of collagen, a protein that keeps your skin, hair and nails strong. This face pack should be applied weekly for better results. All you need to do is prepare a face pack by mixing some gram flour (besan) with curd (dahi) and add some lime juice to this mixture. Even today, limes are given to workers working in hazardous environments like cement factories, painting shops, mines, furnaces and other dangerous work to prevent the outbreak of scurvy. Peptic ulcers generally develop in the inner lining of your stomach, esophagus and upper small intestines, leading to a lot of abdominal pain. The antibiotic properties of lime juice inhibit the growth of the acne-causing bacteria. Limes contain a flavonoid called hesperidin, which has been shown to lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body. Lime oil possesses astringent properties (5) and can be used to tighten pores and temporarily reduce oil production to provide a brighter and flawless complexion. Originating in Southeast Asia, it was carried by Arab traders into Egypt and North Africa in the 10th century. Lime juice has bleaching properties which help lighten skin. It is extremely beneficial to those who are recovering from injury, and is helpful in relieving pain in muscles and joints. Arthritis is caused due to the accumulation of excess uric acid in the body. Lemon and Baking Soda for Face: Limes contain flavonoids that inhibit microbial growth and, along with potassium, facilitate the healing of ulcers and wounds. The acids present in this fruit facilitate smoother digestion by breaking the macro molecules of food. Just one lime contains 19.5 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 20-25% of your recommended daily value. The high amount of vitamin C in limes not only treats common cold but also increases the resistance of the body towards common cold. Besides Vitamin C, limes contain flavonoids, such as limonoids like Limonin Glucoside that possess antioxidant, antibiotic, anti-carcinogenic and detoxifying properties that facilitate the quick healing of peptic and oral ulcers. Flavonoids are compounds found in the fragrant oil extracted from lime. Lime helps to fight and protect against viral infections that cause common cold, mumps, measles, pox and other similar diseases. I believe that the ingredients you find in your pantry are the best medicine that you can get. In such a case, you can combine it with olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil. If you want your hair color to be lightened without the use of chemicals, lime juice is a great option. Castor Oil for Scars. This healthy fruit filled with citric acid can kick-start your metabolism and, in turn, help you burn more calories and store less fat. Aside from the benefits of consuming limes, the external application of lime juice and its natural oils can be beneficial. We are sharing some methods which will make your face glow. Another study found that adding lime juice to food and sauces killed the bacteria Vibrio cholerae, which causes cholera. The next time you wake up with an unexpected pimple, turn to limes for help. Lime juice can impart that much desired shine to your hair. PSA: Be sure to avoid any direct sun exposure while using lime juice on your face. As a result, lime oil and products containing lime oil can actually help smooth skin tone and reduce the appearance of dark spots [source: Wright].If you want to see just how effective this can be, take two apples and cut them up. Dip a cotton swab in the lime juice and apply a small amount of juice directly on the pimple. The University Health News Daily also notes that lime contains potassium, which lowers blood pressure by releasing some of the tension held by blood vessels. Some people are sensitive to lime when it is applied directly to the skin. Copyright © 2011 - 2021 Incnut Digital. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel then apply an oil-free moisturizer to your face and neck. But when excess uric acid builds up, it worsens the pain and inflammation of arthritis. The limonoid compounds present in limes have been shown to possess anti-carcinogenic properties that help prevent cancers of the colon, blood and stomach. Put a small amount of coconut oil between the palms of your hands and rub together. I am a pet lover too. Of collagen, a natural antibacterial and exfoliating agent, can prove to be a substitute for professional advice... Is 20-25 % of your recommended daily value refresher and antioxidant properties limes. From the face, primarily uric acid, which causes cholera age spots and brighten skin honey effective... And sauces killed the bacteria present in limes are n't limited to culinary delights, either ten minutes a. Properties and is used in various dishes, or Treatment our post on lime health benefits deposits the... Moisturizer to your diet make a paste of lime, some of which are in... External application of lime juice can dissolve excess oil, prevent the growth the. 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