Upon stabilizing rebellious conditions among the various Greek city-states, he crossed the Hellespont and travelled along the northern coast of Anatolia (present-day Turkey) avoiding the mountain ranges of the northern uplands to the site of ancient Troy. Articles such as this one were acquired and published with the primary aim of expanding the information on Britannica.com with greater speed and efficiency than has traditionally been possible. Battle of Granicus, (May 334 bce). Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization. Mosaic of Alexander the Great discovered in the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Italy. And so in May 334 BC the Persian and Macedonian armies faced each other on opposite sides of the Granicus River. The Persian plan to tempt Alexander across the river and kill him in the melee almost succeeded; but the Persian line broke, and Alexander’s victory was complete. In the center of the traditional phalanx were the Thessalian cavalry and additional light troops. Fought in Northwestern Asia Minor, near the site of Troy, it was here that Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor, including a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes. These articles have not yet undergone the rigorous in-house editing or fact-checking and styling process to which most Britannica articles are customarily subjected. Darius finally advanced against him but was defeated at Issus in the autumn of 333. 2 They are of a piece with Diodorus' account of the battle at Thebes in 335 B.C., when the Thebans were portrayed as fighting a battle ‘in front of the city’ (as the Trojans did), Alexander made unsporting use of reserves and the contest was in two rounds, the first remarkable for the epic use of missiles (Diod. Darius fled from the field, abandoning his mother, wife, and children.…. The battle on the Granicus [16.1] In the meantime, Darius' captains, having collected large forces, were encamped on the further bank of the river Granicus, and it was necessary to fight, as it were, in the gate of Asia for an entrance into it. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2021) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. The battle to annihilate these men also turned out to be far bloodier than the previous battle with the Persians, and most of the Macedonian casualties during Granicus happened in this phase of the battle as the Greek hoplites fought for their lives. Cite This Work Was this a tactical error or pure arrogance? We have also been recommended for educational use by the following publications: Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation is a non-profit organization registered in Canada. His army consisted chiefly of Macedonians, but with some allied Greeks. Map of the Battle of the Granicusby US Military Academy (Public Domain). Although numbers vary among the various ancient sources, modern accounts number the Persians at 10,000 cavalry and 5,000 Greek mercenary infantry. He is eager to pass knowledge on to his students. Web. The first victorious engagement of Alexander the Great ’s invasion of the Persian Empire established the Macedonians on enemy soil. As the Macedonian forces neared the river, Parmenion, one of Alexander’s most loyal generals and commander of his left flank, advised Alexander they should wait until morning before attacking. He announced the offensive as a Greek revenge for the Persian invasions of Greece in 490 bce and 480 bce. They, of course, considered Persian warfare superior to the tactics of invading Greeks. Alexander rejected Parmenion’s plea; the battle would begin that afternoon but would last barely an hour. According to Arrian and other sources, Alexander made himself extremely conspicuous both by the “brightness of his arms” and the “respectful countenance of his staff.” He was also quite noticeable by the large white plume on his helmet. The Battle of Granicus River - 334 BCThe Battle of Granicus was the first battle between Alexander The Great and the Persian Empire. Fought in Northwestern Asia Minor, near the site of Troy, it was here that Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor, including a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes. Why the Granicus? Alexander’s forces numbered 13,000 infantry and 5,000 cavalry. Written by Donald L. Wasson, published on 20 December 2011 under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. How wide was the river? Questions or concerns? As he was expanding eastward, Alexander would have three major battles with the Persians, and the first was at the crossing of the Granicus River in 334 BC. According to adjusted modern accounts, the Persians lost 10-20 percent of their forces and two-thirds of their commanders. THE BATTLE OF THE GRANICUS RIVER 75 dawn battle sub luce was padded out with details from Arrian's (or his source's) account; but at least the Itinerarium did not transfer those details to a different battle-scene. Wasson, D. L. (2011, December 20). The Battle of the Granicus in May 334 BCE was Alexander the Great's (356-323 BCE) first major victory against the forces of the Achaemenid Empire. Updates? The Granicus has long been identified with the river now known as the Kocabaş Cay, and on this point, there is now general agreement.222 (When I wrote my original thesis, the prevailing view amongst scholars on this subject was that the Granicus River had not changed its course since the time of this battle. Battle of the Granicus. 300 suits of Persian armor were sent home to Athens to remind the Greeks that Granicus was only one step in the war of revenge against the Persians. Rhoesaces, a Persian satrap commander, noticed the attack upon Mithridates and raised his sword at Alexander, slicing off part of his plume and cracking his helmet. Alexander's victory at Granicus shattered the myth of Persian invincibility and launched the persona of Alexander as one of history's great commanders. Rupert Matthews has been fascinated by battlefields since his father took him to Waterloo when he was nine years old. Alexander’s experienced second-in-command Parmenion advocated attacking the next day, but his impetuous commander overrode him and decided … By crossing into Asia before the campaigning season, it caught the Persians off guard. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, https://www.britannica.com/event/Battle-of-the-Granicus-334BCE. With the loss of a number of their leaders, the Persians became disorganized and, with morale destroyed, retreated. The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire.Fought in Northwestern Asia Minor, near the site of Troy, it was here that Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor, including a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes. xvii 11.3, 12.1–2). The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. The Battle of Granikos (Granicus) By Maciek Category: Classical Mediterranean and Europe: Greek Military. Ancient History Encyclopedia. Although these articles may currently differ in style from others on the site, they allow us to provide wider coverage of topics sought by our readers, through a diverse range of trusted voices. The Ancient History Encyclopedia logo is a registered EU trademark. They were intent upon attacking the Macedonians in the water where the footing was slippery and difficult. Alexander became the aggressor sending, from the center, Companion cavalry, lancers and light troops across the river first. In the early years of Alexander’s career as ruler of Macedonia and leader of the army, his determination for conquest was shared by his men. Alexander replied, according to Plutarch, that it would “disgrace the Hellespont should he fear the Granicus.” The historian Arrian spoke of this encounter by saying that Alexander realized that the Persians did not fear him because they did not know him. Upon arriving on the opposite bank of the river, the fight turned to a hand-to-hand confrontation. Battle Granicus-en.svg; Autor: Battle Granicus-en.svg: Andrei Nacu, from the English Wiki; derivative work: Gizmo II ¿Eu? 2 reasons. While Alexander and his men were at Troy, the Persians held a council of local satraps to discuss the arrival of the young Macedonian and possible strategies to defend against him. The Persian cavalry could neither move forward because of the river banks nor pull back because of the location of the infantry. Start studying The Battle of Granicus. The Battle of the Granicus River. By Alexanders order, all who had fallen in the Battle of the Granicus, including the Persian leaders and Greek mercenaries, were buried with military honors. Battle Summary Map - This map shows, in Pseudo 3D, the most important movements of the Battle. The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. After the death of his father Phillip II of Macedon (r. 359-336 BCE), Alexander set his sights on the Persian Empire seeking revenge, or so he claimed, for the invasion of his homeland by Darius I and Xerxes during the Persian Wars. In addition, the one weapon unique to the Persians, the scythed chariot, was almost useless on the muddy riverbank. 15 Jan 2021. The Persian army consisted predominantly of cavalry but it also had a substantial number of Greek mercenary infantry. To honor all who had died in battle, Alexander buried both Greek and Persians alike (although the Persians normally burned their dead). The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. The battle would begin in the afternoon but would last barely an hour. This conspicuousness did not escape the Persians whose major objective became to kill Alexander. The spoils of war - gold and rich cloth - were sent home to Alexander’s mother Olympias. At the Battle of the Granicus River in 334 B.C. Although suffering a number of casualties, Alexander began to gain the advantage, and many of the Persians began to retreat. Otherwise he describes the combat in the same way, including Alexander's brush with death and his personal combat with all the Persian nobles. (2) The sideways movement of Alexander in … …by three satraps, at the Granicus (modern Kocabaş) River, near the Sea of Marmara (May/June 334). The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. Soon, however, he would meet the King of Persia himself. Of the 5,000 Greek mercenaries only 2,000 survived, and they were sent to Macedon to work the mines; the rest were slaughtered. As the Persians fell back, Alexander, instead of pursuing the retreating Persians, turned his attention to the Greek mercenaries who, in turn, pleaded for mercy. fight for him without question. The statues were eventually set up in Dium, a city in Macedon at the foot of Mount Ol… It allowed Alexander to replenish his empty supply stores and encouraged some key Greek states to rebel against the Persians. Please support Ancient History Encyclopedia Foundation. Assemble for battle on the Granicus. After receiving word from his scouts of the Persians' location at Granicus, Alexander advanced towards the river; he had come to realize that he must defeat the Persians to gain the necessary resources to continue on his quest of conquering Persia. In Arrian, river crossings play an important part in three of the four main battles. It allowed Alexander to replenish his empty supply stores and encouraged some key Greek states to rebel against the Persians. Page 1 of 1 - About 6 Essays Alexander The Great: The Success Of Alexander The Great. The council decided to put the arriving Macedonians on the defensive by gathering their combined forces and wait for Alexander at the River Granicus. 495-502 and 271-93 respectively (the joint presentation was unfortunately torn apart and the order of the papers inverted by the editors; Foss, discussing the topography, should be read before Badian, discussing the battle). His companions rescued him, and the rest of the Macedonian forces succeeded in joining the fight. After an initial victory against Persian forces at the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander accepted the surrender of the Persian provincial capital and treasury of Sardis; he then proceeded along the Ionian coast, granting autonomy and democracy to the cities. Let us know. This army included a large force of Greek mercenaries led by Memnon of Rhodes. As Alexander rose from the waters of the Granicus, he noticed Mithridates, Darius’s son-in-law, riding with a squadron of cavalry - detached from the main Persian forces. License. He doesn't mention the aborted attack the evening before. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Half died in battle; the rest were sent as chained slaves to work in Macedonian mines. Diodorus describes a north-south battle, over open ground, that commenced in the morning after Alexander had crossed the Granicus. Louvre, Paris. In addition, the one weapon unique to the Persians, the scythed chariot, was almost useless on the muddy riverbank. 60 - 90 feet wide. As more Persians joined the attack against the Macedonian center, attention was drawn away from Alexander. One unique and problematic situation for the Persians was the positioning of their cavalry on the banks of the Granicus; the Greek mercenary infantry - 5,000 strong - was placed behind them. This contribution has not yet been formally edited by Britannica. During the engagement at the Battle of the Granicus, Alexander and his army did not have to engage Darius III and the massive hordes of the Persian directly.At the time Alexander was not seen as a threat and it was thought in Persia his invasion was going to be short lived. At the Granicus, as has been noted, Alexander, in Arrian’s account, had to fight his way across the river, but in the account of Diodorus, the battle is fought on the other side of the river. And so in May 334 BC the Persian and Macedonian armies faced each other on opposite sides of the Granicus River. Alexander defeated the forces of the Persian satraps of Asia Minor. After succeeding his father as king of Macedon, Alexander continued the planned invasion of the Persian Empire. The best account in the ancient sources, which include Diodorus Siculus (1st century bc) and Plutarch’s Life of Alexander (2nd century ad), is that of Arrian’s Anabasis (2nd century ad), which draws directly from contemporary accounts. One unique and problematic situation for the Persians was the positioning of their cavalry on the banks of the Granicus; the Greek mercenary infantry - 5,000 strong - was placed behind them. Foss and E. Badian, “The Battle of the Granicus: A New Look,” in Ancient Macedonia II, Thessaloniki, 1977, pp. He entered the ford, keeping his line always extended obliquely in the direction in which the stream turned itself aside, in order that the Persians might not fall upon him as he was emerging from the water with his men in column, but that he himself might, as far as practicable, encounter them with a broad line. After a tough struggle, Alexander’s heavy cavalry broke through the Persian army, the Macedonian phalanx followed through the gap, and the Persians fled. The Granicus was roughly 60 feet wide with both a fast current and steep embankments, providing, what they thought to be, an advantage for themselves. His goal was simple: to defeat Darius III (r. 336-330 BCE) and conquer the vast Persian Empire. Battle of the Granicus is similar to these military conflicts: Battle of Issus, Battle of Gaugamela, Wars of Alexander the Great and more. Retrieved from https://www.ancient.eu/Battle_of_the_Granicus/. A map showing the locations of battles in ancient Greece. https://www.ancient.eu/Battle_of_the_Granicus/. Numerous educational institutions recommend us, including Oxford University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri. Amid the sound of trumpets, Alexander and his men plunged into the water and up the opposing bank diagonally. Last modified December 20, 2011. Battle of the Granicus: Amazon.es: Miller, Frederic P., Vandome, Agnes F., McBrewster, John: Libros en idiomas extranjeros To the surviving relatives of his fallen soldiers, Alexander granted immunity from taxation and public service. Alexander had crossed the Hellespont with his combined Macedonian and Greek forces and stepped upon the shores of Anatolia. And this obstinacy of his to cut off these experienced desperate men cost him the lives of more of his own soldiers than all the battle before, besides those who were wounded. Alexander's casualties were non existent, with losses of 200 cavalry and 100 infantry. Why did Alexander ignore the pleas of the mercenaries? Besides, the newly appointed king was more concerned with possible rebellion and unrest among the local satraps. The battle of Granicus was now over, Persian losses also numbered 4,000 cavalry and 1,000 infantry. Wasson, Donald L. "Battle of the Granicus." Spithridates, another Persian commander, raised his own weapon to attack Alexander, but Cleitus the Black attacked him first, severing Spithridates’s arm, saving Alexander’s life. The Battle of the Granicus River in May 334 BC was the first of three major battles fought between Alexander the Great and the Persian Empire. In May 334 BCE he had his first opportunity when he faced the Persians on the banks of the River Granicus. The Battle of the Granicus was the first major engagement between Alexander III the Great commanding his army of Macedonians, Greeks, and Thracians facing off with the vast armies of the Achaemenid Empire under the high command of Darius III. The victory left Asia Minor wide open to the Macedonian invasion. , including Oxford University and Michigan State University and Michigan State University and University of Missouri and University of.. The aggressor sending, from the English Wiki ; derivative work: Gizmo II ¿Eu Thessalians to! 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